Lisa Mackeracher
Joining Sulphur Experts in 2006, Lisa has a strong background in Health and Safety. She specializes in developing, recommending, and overseeing the implementation of policies and procedural frameworks, systems and standards guiding the implementation of a safety program. Along with providing expert advisory services and monitoring the delivery of safety programs. She holds a diploma and numerous certificates from accredited institutions in environment, health, and safety. She has 14+ years of related health and safety experience, and extensive knowledge of the OH&S Act, regulations, and industry best practices, for Canada, the USA, and Europe. She is a self-motivated team player and is enthusiastic about health and safety as her family has personally been affected by an occupational injury. Lisa is also an Energy Safety Canada Certified Health and Safety Internal Auditor for Sulphur Experts.
Lisa’s role with Sulphur Experts is as a Health Safety Environmentalist (HSE) Coordinator & Consultant. Lisa is the key person for Health and Safety within Sulphur Experts and keeps the company well above the recognized industry safety standards. Sulphur Experts has been recognized through many platforms such as Work Safe Alberta and GPAC as having exceptional performance in workplace health and safety.